Abandoned boxcars were parked on a railroad in Addison, Texas for months or years, I explored them and captured them on 35mm analog film.

One day while driving through Addison, a city north of Dallas, I noticed on the side of the road a stationary boxcar through some thick tall shrubs. I parked my car and got out to investigate. I was surprised to see two rows of 6-10 abandoned boxcars parked side by side on railroad tracks right in the middle of the city. When I saw them, I didn’t have my camera with me but I thought I need to go back and do some urban exploration of them.
I ended up passing by them several times, for months, if not for over a year. To learn more about shooting analog film, I recently bought a Nikon FM2 35mm camera. I thought photographing the boxcars would be a fun thing to do with the camera. This was one of my first times shooting film since I’ve been into photography. I bought a roll of black and white film and a roll of color film to document them.
Abandoned Boxcars On Color Kodak Porta 400
It was really interesting walking around the abandoned boxcars as I was taking photos. For the color roll, I shot with Kodak Portra 400. I focused on capturing the graffiti, the variance in the color of the cars, and some of the area around them. My color photos ended getting some light leak which turned out to be pretty cool looking on some of the photos. With the black and white roll, I photographed with Kodak T-MAX 400 film. I focused on the details and texture of the cars. I also captured evidence of people living in a couple of the rail boxcars.

The Forsaken Rail Boxcars On Black and White Kodak T-MAX 400 Film

Update: I went back to visit the boxcars again several months later and they were gone.