Doing an airboat tour of the Everglades has been a long dream of mine and has been on my bucket list for many years.
After several hours of hiking the Everglades, I finally did an airboat tour in the Everglades. It was so much fun! I absolutely loved it.
I did some research online for an airboat ride but I wasn’t real impressed with what I saw. A lot of the airboat companies I noticed had seats for like 10-12 people on the floor of the boat. I was not at all interested in that kind of large group tour.
Instead of only looking online, I drove around a bit. On the side of the road was a little dock and building with the name Rainbow Airboat Rides on it. Their boats had raised single seats, which provided a great view of the Everglades. I ended up getting a private tour of the Everglades for less than what it costs to ride with a big group of people at the bigger tour operators.
GoPro Video of Airboat Ride
The airboat ride was such a great experience, I loved every minute of it and I recorded it all with my GoPro.
Photos Of The Everglades
The weather was perfect that day and I was able to get some really pretty landscape photos. With the water being so perfectly still, it beautifully reflected the sky.

We stopped on a dock way out in the middle of nowhere completely surrounded by water. David, my guide, told me it was originally built like 100 years ago. We walked around on the dock area and saw alligators swimming around it.

You are a great writer!
Thank you!