Cancun street art, graffiti, and murals painted on walls around the city address a range of issues that include local and global politics.

When I lived in Cancun for several years I become obsessed with photographing all of the street art, graffiti, and murals I discovered. I would go on long walks just to capture all the street art I could find. I used to have hundreds of photos of them but unfortunately, I had several CDs of photos stolen from me a month before I came back to the US. Unfortunately, I ended up losing the majority of those photos except for 23 of them. Fortunately, I still had my favorite ones because I had uploaded them to Flickr.
The street art ranged from hilarious to very political, from sexy to aggressive. They all had a message and I loved seeing them. These murals were sometimes painted over within days of being put up. A lot of these murals were painted by very well-known Cancun street artists. The only name I remember is Sony Montana, he created some of the most amazing street art that existed in Cancun. His Instagram is @sonymontanacans. He painted the mural above, the anti-Iraqi war mural below, and the mural of the redhead woman below. I wish I had spent more time getting to know the street art scene while I was there.

Political Cancun Street Art