The Dallas ice storm that hit yesterday caused the whole city to shut down due to the slippery roads. All the businesses and schools sent everyone home early to avoid being on the road during the storm. Tons of people lost power during the storm while many others were left stranded at the airport due to over 100 flights being canceled. Needless to say, it was an insane storm.
I looked outside in the evening and noticed virtually no one on the road. I thought, how cool would it be to get photos of downtown and the highways in Dallas without any traffic on them. The roads are always so packed with cars, it was eerie seeing them empty.
Midnight Photoshoot

When it was just past midnight, I went out to take photos of the Dallas ice storm. I knew it would be dangerous but there would also be a lot fewer cars on the road. I drove all over downtown, very slowly, and took photos of the empty highways, streets, and parks.
It was a bit eerie and very interesting seeing the city so empty. I had never seen the Dallas highways and roads with no cars on them, not even at 3am.
This is what Dallas looks like as a modern-day ghost town:

Downtown Dallas As A Ghost Town

The Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge
Event he Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge was completely devoid of automobiles. The absence of traffic created an unusually peaceful atmosphere.