These Street photos in Dallas document the isolation of downtown during the pandemic and the remnants of the Black Lives Matter protests.

Downtown Dallas is usually a bustling busy city, full of people walking around everywhere. Since the pandemic started, it has been pretty dead with few people walking about. It feels eerie walking through a massive city that feels largely empty of life. At least compared to how it was before the pandemic.
I really enjoy taking street photos in Dallas and have doing it for years. This time there was a bit of sadness as I walked around downtown looking for life on the streets. There were some people at the bus stops and walking around here and there. It was sadly mostly the people that don’t have the luxury of working from home like the thousands of office workers that used to commute downtown every weekday morning.

This is graffiti that was left from the Black Lives Matter protests that happened last year. It looks like someone tried unsuccessfully covering it up with duct tape.

Around downtown Dallas, you will see boarded-up businesses. Businesses that were once thriving but after the pandemic rarely had customers that all those office jobs brought to the city. When I do Dallas street photography, I like to not only capture interesting sights but also what life was like at the time.

This massive and beautiful ad for Netflix’s Selena The Series show dominates this area of downtown. It’s huge and colorful but interestingly there seems to be relatively few people who will walk or drive by it.

Here’s a panorama I took of downtown from the top of a parking garage. Not quite street photography, but I did take at the end of my street photography walk around downtown Dallas.

Hi Matthew,
Great photos – particularly loved the b/w ones as they always seem to convey more expression and feeling about the subject. In the “Boyhood” series of shots, was that a younger Abram at the fence?
As for the series of shots of the shopping trolleys: you have a real skill in making the “ordinary” appear “extraordinary”! Love all your work!
My hubby and I are novice photographers, but we have had a lifetime interest in photography!
I hope both you and your wife Andrea are recovering from the virus, with no adverse after-effects.
What a sad time we are living in, but, at least, we have Jesus Christ in our lives as our Helper, Comforter, Saviour and Redeemer!
God’s blessings to you and all your family,
Love from Michele in Sydney, Australia
Thank you very much, Michele! I’ve been learning to like black and white photography a lot more lately. It helps cut through the noise and reveal the emotion of the moment.
Yes, that is Abram in that photo, good eye!
That’s cool you guys are photographers as well, if you have a link to your website, please reply to this comment and share it with me.
Yes, thankfully we both recovered well, thank you. And thankfully we have hope in Jesus no matter what happens. I hope your family stays safe in Australia, thanks for visiting my website and for your comment.