These are driving around Dallas time-lapse videos that I made on good and bad weather days that include other cities around the DFW Metroplex.

The Time-Lapse Videos:
Driving From North Dallas to Fort Worth Time-Lapse
From Rockwall to UT Dallas Time-Lapse
From Dallas to Rockwall Time-Lapse
I’ve recently been having fun with recording driving time-lapse videos in DFW. I make them by mounting my camera to the windshield while I drive around the city. A few of these time-lapses came out really cool looking. I especially like the one of me driving in the rainstorm.
You have to do a lot of driving in Dallas, everything is very spread out. I spend on average driving an hour and a half a day in DFW. On top of that, there is usually constant traffic. And public transportation is terrible here. People that live here generally hate traffic in Dallas. And people who live outside of the city, or metroplex, also hate it and try to avoid it at all cost. Despite this, I do find the highways and roads here pretty amazing. They are some of the best I have driven on. They span for miles and miles, across dozens of cities, making it relatively easy to move around.