Heroin paraphernalia in a Jack Daniel’s tin can I found while urban exploring a small abandoned house in a rural area of East Texas.

I remember when I initially saw this heroin paraphernalia sitting there on the counter. It was in a small dark abandoned house in a rural town outside of Dallas called Wills Point. I was fascinated by it and I thought to myself that this would make an amazing photography subject. I took a few photos and went home.
When I arrived home I stared at the photo on my Apple computer screen, then suddenly this sense of loss came over me. I began to understand what I was looking at. This photograph spoke volumes and told such a common tragic story. The subjects in the photo, the Jack Daniel’s case and the needles, represent destruction, hopelessness, and above all, death.
Even though I don’t believe I ever personally knew the person or people who used them, I felt sad for them. They probably regularly sat alone in the darkness feeding their addiction. I suddenly felt like I lost something, an unknown neighbor. The person must have felt so lost and so useless and so unhappy to feel they needed those things. I understand those feelings, I’ve had them before. I started to head down that road once too, but thank God I never went down that far.
My advice to you is this: Don’t waste your life being wasted. This is the only life you have; love and live it.
Wow Matt I really like what you said. Yeah I remember when we saw this. I have pictures I took of it too. This picture really does represent destruction. Such a story is behind this. Not just the story of the person using it but that persons past and the reasons that brought him to such a dark road. You can only wonder.
P.S. I really like the setup of this page. It’s a nice template. And I really like how you have your logo on top. I love the colors. I use those colors A LOT for stuff I do.
That’s a cool pic. I like the description as well. How do you explain the fuse case?
Hi Matt,
This is indeed a very strong photo. They say a picture can tell a thousand words. This is definitely the case with your photo. Thumbs up.
Right Mike, I find that so interesting and thanks!
Thanks Sam, and I’m not sure, I’ve never used heroin, thankfully.
Thank you very much DPStudent, I really appreciate your encouraging and thoughtful comment!