Lloyd D. Nabors demolished an old Xerox building a week ago and for some reason the elevator shaft didn’t fall all the way down. It just leaned over slightly and stayed. Some people posted photos of it on social media and within Dallas it became a viral meme, suddenly everyone was flocking to it to take selfies with it. It became known as the Leaning Tower of Dallas
On the Leaning Tower of Dallas’ last day before they were to demolish it I visited it again. Since it was only a few blocks from my apartment it was very easy to go see and photograph. Today there were a lot more people taking selfies there than usual. It’s most likely because today is supposed to be the last day of it standing, errr, leaning.
Instead of focusing on the building, I decided to photograph the people visiting it and their quirky poses with the building. I had so much fun, laughing with every photo I took. I took all of these photos within only 20 minutes at the building.

The Leaning Tower of Dallas, Meme or Art?
I think it’s great all these people went out there and had fun taking their selfies. I find it interesting how random and unexpected events can be come such popular phenomenons. The building itself became a meme. Meme culture has been greatly fueled by the internet. It was local people posting photos of the building on Instagram that ignited the viral reaction to it.
The funniest part to me is how people responded to it the same way they do the Leaning Tower of Pisa but that building is a work of art. Dallas’ structure is so crude and ugly but yet people still wanted photos with it like it was an exotic work of art. The leaning tower has essentially also become an unintentional art piece, a temporary one. Several artists even showed up with their easels creating paintings of it.