New York street photography at night that I captured in and around Times Square on the grainy and beautiful Ilford Delta 3200 film.

This trip to New York City was my first time there in about 15 years. I have always admired several photographers who were known for capturing New York street photography. Some of my favorites are Joel Meyerowitz, Vivian Maier, Jill Freeman, Gordon Parks, and Saul Leiter. My work isn’t anywhere close to their incredible street photography. Regardless, I aspire to make photographs as impactful and inspiring as theirs.
I had never done night photography on film before. I thought this trip would be an excellent opportunity to try it out. Just before the trip, I bought a roll of Ilford Delta 3200 film, it’s black and white and very grainy. It’s so grainy because of the high ISO but it is also great for low light situations. I shot the photos on my Nikon FM2, a popular camera among journalists in the 1990s.
The Street Photography
I spent a whole evening walking in and around Times Square. Mainly because most of the other areas were really dark and not many people were walking around. My focus was to capture what it was like to hang out in Times Square for an evening. There is a lot to see when you are really paying attention.
Luckily, I saw a lot of interesting people and moments which made it a very productive evening. I captured tourists, locals, street vendors, a celebrity (well, a poster of one), NYPD officers, and a man getting busted for public intoxication. It was inspiring and exciting walking the same streets that the photographers I have admired for so many years have walked. They obviously have a much more intimate relationship with NYC, more than I ever will. But I didn’t let that stop me. I was there to watch and learn. To experience something I have dreamed of doing for many years, even if it was just for a weekend, to be a New York street photographer.