The 2016 State Fair of Texas was a blast as always and I captured some amazing people and scenes from it on analog medium format film.

This year I bought a season pass to the 2016 State Fair of Texas in Dallas and went multiple times, mostly for my own enjoyment. On a couple of the visits, I brought my Hasselblad 500c/m to do the photos. I had with me some black-and-white Kodak T-MAX 400 film to photograph people, candidly and semi-staged. For color, I brought a roll of Kodak Portra 400 film to capture some scenes and to experiment with some night photos.

After my T-MAX 400 black-and-white film ran out, I took out my color Koda Portra 400 roll and shot away. I love going to the fair and photographing it. There is an endless amount of interesting things and people to capture.

Once it got dark and it was time to go, I shot off my last few pics. I intentionally shook the camera as I was taking the last two to create some colorful blurred lines in the darkness. They came out pretty cool I thought. The 2016 State Fair of Texas was so fun as always and I look forward to the next one.