Underwater photography of the incredible and colorful tropical fish and coral reefs of the island of Curaçao in the Caribbean Sea.

I had an amazing trip to the Caribbean island of Curaçao. While there I dedicated a lot of time to snorkeling in the shallow reefs right off the beaches. Of course the tropical fish and reefs there were incredible. As a result, I was able to get some awesome photos of beautiful tropical fish underwater by bringing an underwater case for my camera.
I also explored and took photos of Willemstad, Curaçao, you can see them here: Willemstad, Curaçao, A Pretty And Colorful Dutch Colony In The Caribbean.
For this trip, I bought a relatively cheap underwater case for my Nikon DSLR. It was basically a waterproof thick plastic bag. If you are curious about it, here it is on Amazon. For the most part, it worked really well for only costing $100. All in all, I didn’t have any issues. In fact, I was able to control my camera really well with it. Because of this, it allowed me to do some amazing underwater photography of the tropical fish and coral reefs of Curaçao.
Tropical Fish
By and large, was a huge variety of tropical fish I was able to capture. I was able to get pretty close to them and enjoy their beauty.
This is a very rarely seen Salp, mainly due to its transparent nature. It was completely by chance I saw it. While trying to find fish to photograph I saw this guy floating right in front of me, barely visible. Thankfully I was able to get this awesome photo of it.

Tang Fish
These fish were really cool looking with their bright bold blue colors. They are the type of fish that Dory was in the movie Finding Dory.


The great barracuda, this fish was huge and creeped me out a bit because of how aggressive they are known to be. Luckly, he never swam too close to me.

Overall, parrotfish are my favorite type of fish. This is because I love their colors, shapes, and patterns. They look like they have beaks. They also grow to be quite large. For this reason, Every time I see one I get really excited. Here are a variety of parrotfish that I captured:

Lol I even captured a parrotfish in the middle of happily pooping

Coral Reef Formations
There were also some incredible coral formations I also captured. Because of how close to the surface the coral formations were, there was a huge variety of flourishing coral and sea plants.