The Cheaters TV show confronted a guy in the Bishop Arts District on April 1, I thought it was an April Fool’s joke, but it really happened.

The show was there to bust someone. But I didn’t think it was funny that someone was cheated on. Then again there are rumors that the show isn’t as real as it claims to be. Supposedly, some of the scenes are set up, maybe I witnessed a staged event.
Well, I was walking around the Bishop Arts District when out of the blue a guy dressed in all black took off running down the sidewalk and ran right past me. Then following immediately after him was a woman going after him with the entire camera crew of The Cheaters TV show behind her! I couldn’t believe it.
Chasing The Cheater
I started running with the camera crew and even managed to get a selfie with the host, Joey Greco while running. He was actually really cool and fun about it. These photos aren’t the greatest, it all happened so quickly and it was dark. Pretty crazy moment nonetheless.

Many other people started joining in running with the camera crew after this guy. It went on for only a couple of blocks until they reached a van with a woman sitting in it. The woman looked pretty upset, I felt pretty bad for her. It was a strange thing to see firsthand. It’s entertaining because a bit of drama and comedy is going on. But, sadly, someone is feeling hurt and another person is publicly humiliated. I’m not saying I feel sorry for the guy, he shouldn’t have cheated but I still can’t imagine a whole TV crew confronting me at work about something I did in private. If any of that is real.

Cheaters – Season 7 Episode 4
This moment was aired in Season 7 on Episode 4. You can see the episode here: Cheaters – Season 7 Episode 4 on In that episode, they showed me taking that selfie above with Joey as he was walking behind the woman. You see it at the 14:44 mark.

Jajaj amigo acabo de ver el episodio y apareces en él.
Jajaja que gracioso! ¡No tenía ni idea! Gracias por decirme. Pude encontrar el episodio y ahora incluí un enlace y una foto en la publicación de mi blog. ¡Gracias por tu comentario!