Holland, Michigan is such a pretty town with a lot of beautiful sights and things to do, perfect for taking some really creative photos.

I really enjoy visiting this city every time we come up here. In fact, my wife is from Martin, a town near here. Now, her mom lives in Holland, which gives us a great excuse to visit the pretty city.
Windmill Island Municipal Park
While there we visited some of the really cool places they had there. The first place was the Windmill Island municipal park. It’s an island in the middle of a lake that holds a genuine Dutch windmill from the Netherlands. This windmill is over 300 years old. During WWII Nazis damaged it and to this day there are still some bullet holes in it. Surprisingly, they allow visitors to go into the windmill and tour the inside of it.

We also visit the De Witt Birds of Prey Center which rescues birds of prey that have been injured. They had this beautiful bald eagle there.

Holland State Park Beach
The weather we gorgeous while we were there. We took advantage of it by going to Holland beach. While there I was really surprised at how sandy and pretty it was. I had never been to such a pretty and sandy lake beach.

While I was at the beach I created some abstract photos of the landscape by showing my shutter down and shaking my camera slightly as I took the photos. I think these two photos came out really cool looking. I’m thinking about experimenting more with this type of photography.

The Holland Harbor Light aka Big Red
One of Holland Beach’s most favorite sights is the Big Red Lighthouse.

Holland State Park Pier Lights
Also at the beach were these piers with interesting looking structures have lights on them. They were like mini lighthouses.

Grand Haven Beach
After a day at the beach, we drove up to Grand Haven Beach to watch the sunset from there.