The Pro-Palestine protest at Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas against the recent Israeli assault on Gaza captured on 35mm analog film.

These are photos I took at the Free Palestine protest at the Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas today. I admit that I do not fully understand the intricacies of the conflict between Israel and Palestine. But I do understand that there is a lot of pain and suffering due to their conflict. I would love to one day see the violence that people are suffering through come to an end.
A few of my Palestinian classmates were talking about the protest in class. I got very curious about it and asked them more about it. They told me about their plans to show up at Dealy Plaza to protest the recent attacks from Israel. Afterward, they invited me to join them at least to take photos of it.
I decided to go. I wanted to watch and learn about this conflict from a perspective I haven’t been exposed to. While there I wanted to document the protest and my learning experience so I brought my Nikon FM2 analog film camera. Later, I had them developed and then I scanned the negatives into my computer. I did not touch up these photos other than very minor lighting adjustments.

A Changed Heart
After witnessing and seeing the pain and anguish in the faces of these people I learned to have much more empathy for what they are going through. I learned a lot from them that day and I hope that in my lifetime, I will get to see this tragic and violent conflict come to an end.