Splashing in puddles was something I really enjoyed doing as a child. I truly believe that was an early indicator of my love for adventure. Tanner jumping in puddles after the recent storm here in Dallas inspired me to write about that love.
As a child, I loved to splash in rain puddles. I really did, and often! There’s something about taking a step off the sidewalk and jumping into a rain puddle that’s so fun and satisfying. The way the water pops into the air as your feet meet the puddle and the sound of splashes as the drops return to the ground is exciting.
Even into my adulthood I still liked to do things that most people do not like or want to do. During my years in Cancun, Mexico I visited the beach often. Sometimes, while at the beach I swam out into the sea without a life jacket. I would swim out so far that I couldn’t see the beach anymore. Then I would float and swim out there for a little while and enjoy the beauty and peace of the ocean. After a little while, I would swim back to shore. I liked the adventure of doing that; doing something that so many people are afraid to do.
Adventure In Photography
There is an adventure in photography as well. I know a lot of people love making photos. But not many people go outside of their normal lives or stop their car on the side of the road to take a photo. A photo that may or may not be great. The vast majority of my photos aren’t very good but that doesn’t keep me back. I keep taking them, and I won’t stop taking them. I enjoy the adventure of pursuing something even if I fail the majority of the time. This is because I know there will be times where I succeed too, and those moments make it all worthwhile.
It takes a lot of courage to pursue your dream. Because most people think it’s silly or wishful thinking to actually get up and try. Maybe this is because they are so beaten down by their failures and critics. I don’t care what anyone says, I’ll jump into that puddle and make as big a splash as I can. You can too, just jump in and do it!