We are all broken, as individuals and as a people. Lately, I have done some serious self-reflection and I have realized that I am so broken.

I am ashamed of some of what I have done in my life. And many things I feel pain over. I have been learning how to bring things to the light. I’m learning this with a program called Celebrate Recovery at Watermark Community Church in Dallas. I feel so much freer and have made some great friends.
When I look around, I see so many broken people. People long for something more than all this selfishness and materialism, but they don’t know what it is.
Now, when a person says or does something rude or mean to me, it doesn’t upset me so much. I’ve learned to realize that it’s their brokenness and inner pain showing itself. It’s time we work on ourselves while extending grace to others around us.
Thank God I have photography. It has been a great outlet for me to express myself in ways I do not know how to verbalize. I love that I can show people what I see and how I see them.
I am just a man, as broken as you are, with my only hope in God.
Thanks for sharing, Matt. I don’t know if you remember the night in WP when Picked Last played the acoustic set at the art gallery. We did a song called “I’m Broken” that Stevo wrote about me. I had recently crashed & burned and thankfully stumbled into a wonderful Celebrate Recovery group in Forney. It is indeed amazing to be worshipping in a room with a bunch of folks who are in humble awe of the Savior, with all their pride GONE. I finally felt like I was at church- the way it should be! The first few weeks I thought I would run out of tears because it was a steady flow…and it was ok. Anyway, Stevo asked me soon thereafter, “How you doing?” He says I told him, “Man, I’m just so broken…but it’s so good.” And then he went home and wrote the song. It is on YouTube. (Just search “Picked Last I’m Broken”. Let’s talk some time.
Thank for reading Russ. Yes I totally remember that night. I never knew the story behind that song, how cool. Yeah I’m totally there, I’ve been learning so much what it means to truly follow Christ. I’ll look up that song and listen to it again. And yea man, I would love to talk sometime, call me anytime, my number on the “Photographer” page. Take care Russ!
What a great program CR is…I can relate and it is changing my life from the inside out! 🙂 Thanks for sharing Matthew…great, heartfelt thoughts.
I agree! Thank you for reading it and sharing your thoughs! : )